
Friday, March 28, 2008

tEUkiE 'n hYUk iN Kiss The Radio

080311 Kiss The Radio - EunHyuk is ''MeotJaengEe''

LeeTeuk: EunHyuk used to chat online often right?

EunHyuk: Not a lot

LeeTeuk: So, you met with some of them?

EunHyuk: No no, actually, i have a webcam so i don't chat very often.

LeeTeuk: When you're chatting through the viewable chat, have you thought that this is your ideal type when you see their faces?

EunHyuk: It was like that once.

LeeTeuk: What was the conversation about then?

EunHyuk: That time? Kekeke...MeotJaengEe(Stylish men)(Bursts into laughter)

LeeTeuk: MeotJaengEe..

EunHyuk: Yes, MeotJaengEe

LeeTeuk: Oh, you're blushing~

EunHyuk: I still log onto the internet with the same username as the past, it's "HyukJae is MeotJaengEe", Keke~ What about u ....LeeTeuk?

LeeTeuk: Me, my original name is JungSu isn't it, to show continued improvement and addition, i added a plus behind js, called jsplus

EunHyuk: Ah i have something similar too, MeotJaengEewas what i used when i was younger, when i entered high school i changed my nick to an english one, called All Rise, which means all will rise, handsome one.

EunHyuk: Actually, MeotJaengEe was what i learned from LeeTeuk...

LeeTeuk: Oh? Why~because of me?

EUnHyuk: Yeah. When we were still trainees, LeeTeuk dressed very well.

LeeTeuk: Was it like that..hahaha...

EunHyuk: The situation for JunSu and I was that we would be wearing the same shirt for the whole week, but LeeTeuk would be dressed very well, so i told LeeTeuk, "JungSu hyung, where is hyung going, so good-looking today", and LeeTeuk would say "MeotJaengEe ah", and he would always say that to us, so i wanted to become MeotJaengEe too, so i used MeotJaengEe at that time...

LeeTeuk: So, was it something like you idolised me or what?

EunHyuk: Ah, it wasn't till the stage of idolisation, just that i was very satisfied with the term MeotJaengEe...

Credit: KangTeuk's Personal Apartment
Translated to English by

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello is this really Leeteuk and Eunhyuk:)